Friday, September 24, 2004

that's the way...of the world...

wow, i completely spaced yesterday's post...must be due to hello anxiety, my old friend...

when anxiety hits, i have learned;

that i shouldn't handle anything breakable...

two cups and a plate bit the dust this time so my hands are greased!...

when anxiety hits and you can't quit the shallow breathing i have learned;

do the dishes by hand...the warm water will soothe you and the scent of the dishwater will remind you of something else...(for some reason it always reminds me of the night before the first day of school...which wasn't always a good thing, but completely distracting also reminds me of growing up with my father...which is a good thing, and completely distracting as well)...

just as long as the dishes you are doing are unbreakable...

when anxiety hits and your children aren't helping matters i have learned;

play a game...i know a game can be really really annoying under the best of circumstances, but if you pick a game you can tolerate then it will calm you and you might even have fun...

and if you beat the pants off of your seven year old son twice in a row it feels pretty good...even though he's younger than you, too bad...all's fair in fun and TAKE OFF!...

when anxiety hits and you've done all of the above and you still feel as though your insides are connected to a power plant and your breathing hasn't returned to normal i have learned;

drink...really, drink...whatever you have and in moderation...or not...gulllp...burrp...

blah...anxiety is a recurring non-friend of mine...but, we have a deal...don't get too bad and i can deal...

i also learned today that a particularly nasty canker sore is numbed quite nicely by a big old splash of ny-quil on it...



oh, and if all the above fails...put on earth, wind, and fire...really around and sing at the top of your lungs...dear lord if that doesn't do it then perhaps lithium is your next stop...

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