Friday, September 03, 2004

death, drugs, and gender bias...and it's not even 7am!

so on the way home this morning out of the clear blue the duke says

"i don't care for cherry popsicles or cherry medicine"

okay, thanks for that totally random information...then he says

"did you know medicine are drugs?"

he recently learned the word drugs...some well meaning public service announcement on t.v. most likely...he asked what they were a few days ago, and we said they are medicine...and that people say don't do drugs because they want kids to know that a parent should be the one to give them to you...

which makes me wonder when he will bust out with the following

"i only do drugs when my parents give them to me"

i can hardly wait...

so we drive a bit more and out of the clear blue wingman says

"i don't like dirrel (girl) shows...oney (only) boy shows"

this always baffles me as his two favorite shows on the entire planet have girls as the main character...

then he says a little more quietly, as if to himself...

"i no like ponies"

and even though he says it quietly it is said with such venom and such force i look back in the mirror...the look on his face is so bitter and scrunched and just plain horrified at the mere thought of ponies...

okay, that's a little disturbing...

which brings us to home, and to the little matter of a dead fish...rocky...he's been a little off the past few days...he's been given to depression before, i just figured he was in a downswing...but, alas, no...well, unless?...naw, how could he have?...

i suspect it was just his time...the lord of the ring flushed him before we left to drop him off at the bus...

but when we got home i had to tell the i sat them down and with proper reverence and gentleness told them rocky got sick and he died last night...i got the following two responses...the duke pipes up right away

"can we get a new fish!"

then wingman chimes in with a little more enthusiasm than i think the situation warrants and asks

"can i see him!"

my boys, future hospice care workers...

i told them should they feel sad later, come and talk to me...

fat chance...good thing i flushed the old boy or else the duke would probably want to cut it up for a science project and wingman would probably want to feed it to the geriatric hiccuping cat...

so that's my morning...and all before 7 a.m., no less...which is why i am allowing myself the second cup of coffee and wondering why in the hell i haven't gotten the baileys yet...


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