Thursday, September 09, 2004

reading rainbow...

we like to read quite a bit here at the big red house...

i would read all day if i could...the truth is, i'm a book whore...i can and will read anything...and love it (mostly)...

the duke has an affinity for reading both during his hour and a half of daily rest time, and after we read to him at bed time...

the lord of the ring manages to read and enjoy those big huge presidential biographies at the rate of about twice a year (he's so enthusiastic and interested in them, bless his heart...i have NO interest...well, if i needed a quick makeshift set of stairs to exit out of a tall window of a burning building i'd be interested!)...also, he is the go-to parent for series books before bed time...tolkein, harry potter, roald dahl, etc...

he's very very good at reading long chapters in great british accents and being very involved and patient about the whole thing...unlike someone we know, who shall remain nameless, who would rather sit on the couch and drink wine and read her own damned book...and who doesn't *do* british accents...

and wingman, well, wingman loves all books...especially thomas the tank engine stories...unfortunately, he is quite fond of a really long and hideous disney version of winnie the pooh and tigger that i CANNOT STAND!...i have no idea where it came from...and while i simply cannot abide by destroying or throwing away ANY book (well, tom robbins and gabriel garcia marquez have tempted me) the book has mysteriously *disappeared*...

so what are we reading lately...

i am reading three books presently...

little children by tom perrotta...fiction...the jury's still out on this's supposed to be satire about life in the american suburbs, but thus far it falls far short of the mark...wherever that is, because i'm not sure why it is he has these characters in the situations he does...i don't think he knows's thus far just not working, even from a satirical fiction point of view...reminds me of that terrible movie "american beauty" does not bode well...

stalking the divine by kristin ohlson...non-fiction...a woman follows the lives of women who have devoted their lives to a religious order call the Poor Clares of Perpetual Adoration (cloistered nuns) is a book that at once examines the level of faith and devotion of the Poor Clares, and the author's own exploration of faith... it is very good...

diary of a french herb garden by geraldene far, very is the account of a woman who restores an ancient walled garden in a medieval village in southern france...witty and charming...

the duke just finished the first book of a series and has started on the second...

little wolf's book of badness
little wolf's diary of daring deeds, both by ian whybrow...a little wolf who is basically good is sent to his uncle's school to learn how to be in a big bad wolf...apparently it's very amusing if you're seven...

for bedtime the duke and i are just finishing up charlotte's web...of course a great book and a classic...and, i've been told i do a good "wilbur"...

the lord of the ring is currently reading;

the first american; the life and times of benjamin franklin by h.w. brands...all kidding aside, he seems very enthralled with old ben and is constantly remarking on his contribution to our world...

right now i am certain wingman is reading the "children wanted to adopt" listings in the paper as i have not yet prepared his after nap snack...

gotta go!


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