Tuesday, April 21, 2009

duke brag.

the duke was invited to apply for the President's Award for Educational Excellence!

The President's Award for Educational Excellence is an acknowledgment of high student achievement. While there is no monetary aspect to this award, it is an opportunity to recognize those students who excel academically with an embossed certificate, signed by the President of the United States. In order to qualify for the Award, students must excel on a standardized test, in their schoolwork, and show high motivation, initiative, integrity, intellectual depth, leadership qualities and/or exceptional judgment.

he was invited based on his high scores on his yearly exam, and then he must submit a curriculum vitae of his current course work. basically what he is learning, how he thinks it will help him personally and/or academically and then a list of non school related activities, hobbies, etc.

i like the fact that the award is based on not just the test scores. that they really will look at the whole academic "life" of the child to decide.

i am very proud of him! being home schooled there really isn't a lot of opportunity for "outside" recognition. so this is definitely a boost! he'll work on the CV in the coming weeks, submit it, and then we'll see! i'll definitely keep you posted!

so right after i told him about the invitation, he made some microwave popcorn for a snack. he put the bag in the microwave and closed the door. he turned it on, and then just to prove that darwinism is indeed alive and well even among the academically gifted set, he leaned his head against the door of the microwave to watch the popcorn pop.

"hey genius, if you can't even put a fork or foil in the microwave why would you want to rest your forehead against it?!?"

"oh. yeah."

"yeah. let's not tell obama about this, huh?"


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