Monday, August 09, 2004

the particular charm of a monday morning...

i don't know if it's just because it's monday, but by the time i had been up for an hour i had;

stepped in a very squishy pile of cat throw-up
changed an equally squishy diaper
lanced, drained, and cleaned the duke's infected toe

then i broke up a fight, cajoled unwilling limbs and uncooperative offspring into clothing, and began the school day...which consisted of many things including spending twenty minutes trying to figure out how to help the duke multiply 3/4 by 18 and then trying to explain a "state of being verb"...

and yes, we had another of our quickly becoming infamous grammar discussions...because after explaining what a state of being verb is, i thought it was actually going well until the duke said

"but even if you are just sitting, you are still aren't just being...doing nothing"

"um, yeah, but...hmm...okay, maybe this will is an example sentence...pick out the state of being verb"

so then i read

"The boy is."

"how is that a sentence?"


i finally explained it in the following manner, going over what i already had, and adding in what i thought might spark it for him...(just in case the rest of y'all need to know...lord knows i do!)

"the state of being verbs include am, is, are, was, were, be, being, been...and rather than show an action, they show that you just are"

to which i add, very quickly before he jumps in with another one of his philosophical arguments on the matter, the following information

"state of being verbs are most often *dropped* by toddlers and those just learning a new language"

then i give the following examples

"i tired"

"she sad"

"we go to grandma's"

"you willing to act as a witness?"

"it not mine...i just holding it for a friend"

then i explain

"they all sound kinda funny, huh?...but if i add the state of being verbs, then they sound "right" and they make a complete sentence...and show how somebody is rather than what they are doing...their state rather than their action...i am tired...she is sad...we are going to grandma's...are you willing to act as a witness? is not mine...i am just holding it for a friend..."

okay okay okay, i added the last two for your benefit, dear readers... but you get the picture...and don't tell me if my explanation isn't exactly spot on because by the time we were done the duke had gotten it, and my "state of being" could be described with a few choice adjectives...

and we won't be repeating the lesson...because the duke really did get it and has been checking wingman's speech for missing state of being verbs ever since...

so it's nearly two and i'm waiting for the day to show me a little show me the love, as it were...

but, (or should i say "butt") unfortunately it's time to exercise...and on this day's docket of pain in muscles that i didn't know existed and shameful attempts at fitness while wingman and the duke watch with undisguised hilarity, i am scheduled for a lovely little tape called "high, round assets"...i kid you not...that's the real name...

alas, i am off to see if the advertising is true...wish me and my southbound, squishy assets good luck...

but i will leave you with the following...

E disposto a far da testimone?

that's "are you willing to act as a witness" in italian...just in case...

but if you get caught "holding" for a friend, i doubt knowing the proper phrase is gonna help you all that much...and i bet they wouldn't give a rat's ass if you dropped your state of being verb...

i going good while i gone...


oh lil' sis's baby shower was just lovely...she is radiant and glowing and lives in a recently purchased and very beautiful home that is just filled to the brim at once with inspired color, calm and zen like charm, and lots and lots of love...she is truly blessed and deserves every bit of it...

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