Thursday, June 15, 2006

when a plan backfires...

the whole reason i co-slept with and extended nursed the boybarians was to create an unshakable core of inner happiness to facilitate and insure independence and autonomy...

yeah, not so least not at night...i can't keep wingman out of our bed after about 11 each night and the duke wants to come in about 3 every morning to *snuggle*...

wingman likes to sleep on my head whereas the duke likes to attach himself to my side...not unlike a limpet...

as you can imagine, this is a sucky way to spend one's sleeping hours...and please understand i use the term *sleep* very loosely...yawn..

and this morning when i broached the subject with wingman about needing to stay in his own bed at night he just said

"fine...for now...but i am sleeping with you when i'm big!"

so it's can trace an adult's deviant tendencies right back to the mother...


1 comment:

reviewer said...

oh my, lol!! Smart kid ya got there :)