Tuesday, February 28, 2006

mark clark here, how are you this morning?

well we made it through security with only one of us being searched...

although this time i can understand as the duke is obviously suspicious at best...the big old screener had a heck of a time trying to stuff pooh bear back in the way he came out...

oooh, scary stuff...

turns out it was the travel chess set the bag lady in paris gave him for christmas that caused the hullabaloo...

even with the lord of the ring helping we were both winded and drenched in sweat after getting us all through...

poor lamb he had no idea what hit him...traveling solo is just. not. the. same.

anyhow one of the perks of having a traveling husband is we are automatically in first class (lord but i bet they'll be happy to see us go!) and can await our flight (which is already late) in relative and complimentary comfort behind one of those weird non-descript doors you see in the airport...

i always wondered what went on in there...it's not as exciting as one might imagine...it's basically a bunch of middle aged men who travel for business drinking coffee, reading the paper, and watching the news...

really, you wouldn't think this many men would be gathered in one place, yet each one hanging out by himself, without boobs or poles or hot wings involved...

so far we've enjoyed bagels and coffee, endured wingman's need to ramp his voice up 1000 notches just because everyone else is being quiet, and had a minor skirmish over the fact that one got the last lime yogurt and the other didn't...and all for FREE!

good times...

i hear they have a free bar here too, but so far i see no evidence of it...rats...

the real treat is there is a guy sitting behind me who is obviously a new real estate agent and still wet behind the fake enthusiasm...and he obviously hasn't learned how to use his indoor voice...

the best part?...his name is mark clark...

ah it gets me every call he makes...


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