Friday, April 08, 2005

it's friday, i'm back, and the boybarians haven't changed a bit...

i am on the mend...took a turn for the worse on wednesday with the mother of all migraines, but all in all i seem to be doing okay...

which is more than i can say for my children...

yesterday while going over the duke's latin work he stood beside me while i remain seated...i was very carefully trying to explain a point and it took a few minutes...when i was finished i looked up at him and he was staring at me...and without missing a beat he said

"your head looks really's kinda creepy"

then this morning i told the kids that the lord of the ring (working from home this week) and i were taking them to the family pancake house for breakfast as a special treat...then wingman who is all of four pipes up and says

"i don't willy (really) care for colored corn day (they) have maple?"

oh. my.

enjoy your friday...


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