Friday, February 18, 2005

yup, i think that about sums it up...

just to give you an idea of what's been happening around here lately without going into intricate and boring detail that includes waaaay too much personal information, i have spent time researching the following two items this week

1. how to re-grow eyebrows
2. how to look twenty pounds lighter just with the proper underwear

how i came to these two particular research subjects is neither here nor there...

BUT, i'll tell you one's hard to say whether i have too much time on my hands or not enough...


oh, and this just i'm writing this the duke is running by completely naked...well, he did have a bath...but he was done half an hour ago...

"um, why are you still naked?"

"i'm an olympic athlete!"

"really...i don't recall any of the athletes being naked the last time we watched"

exasperated and eye-rolling he responds

"from the real know, in ancient greece?"

yup, i think that about sums it up...

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