Wednesday, August 02, 2006

school's in for the summer.

well, it's back to school at the big red house...

we go back in august on a reduced schedule...math and latin only...this way, we get back to somewhat of a routine which is good for all of us, get to school only four days a week during the year instead of five, and the duke doesn't forget all of his math and latin before i get back to him...

and this morning while snuggling in bed the duke told me school is i suppose there really isn't anything more i could ask for...

well, i could ask that maybe he run a brush over those teeth before he comes to snuggle...but i won't hold my breath...well, actually i do...

anyhow, with moving the curriculum to latin-centered i expect once we're up and running fully in september that there will be a few bumps here and there...but nothing too major as i'm basically handing the duke one of his favorite interests on a silver platter...

he's long been fascinated with ancient rome and greece and the addition to latin, he will now learn addition to that, we are adding the in depth study of the leaders of ancient rome and greece...who were these guys?...what did they have to say?...what did they do to shape the world we live in today?...

and now is the part of the show wherein i will want to draw parallels to the present troubles our world is facing...primarily because it seems we as a society haven't studied our history or even know our history and that is why we are in the mess we are in today...

but i do the people magazine crossword so what do i know.

wingman continues to drive me nuts...he's so friggin' cute and there are a lot of wonderful qualities about him...

in the meantime, he is the kid in the room who will tell you your breath smells...or leer at your boobs if given half a chance...

( can call it "age-appropriate curiosity" if you want but i feel like a co-ed at a frat house kegger without the benefit of beer)

and not subtlely or quietly or kindly i might add...

it is not an aspect of his personality i fully embrace as his parent...

BUT, at night when he's in his bed and the lights are off and everyone else is downstairs reading and he's announcing the names and positions of each of the mariners players in the starting line-up in that big ball park announcers voice he is so adorable it almost makes up for the fact that he's well on his way to being the cute but very annoying and perhaps depraved guy on some t.v. reality show later in life...

you just don't consider all the possibilities when you're sitting in the rocking chair rubbing your belly with wonder and dreaming of the day you can just see your baby's face for the first time...

if they could just bottle that particular set of hormones we'd all be better off...because as a parent there comes a time when your child grows up and you see and hear things you just wish you hadn't...

but, as my children are still small, i can still sometimes turn a blind eye towards the "quirks" in their personalities while trying to instill in them the values that our family considers important...

right now, i still have a chance...

it's twenty years from now when i turn on the t.v and they're dancing around some living room or some ballroom or some island with their underwear on their heads all sweaty and crazed and shouting out gibberish and profanities and the camera is catching every last drop of it that i know i will have lost my chance to steer them in the right direction and wish i was back in that rocking chair chugging a bottle of hormones...

it's all relative until you see your child's ass on television...


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