Monday, August 07, 2006

the bitch is back(packing).

we're off tomorrow for a backpacking trip with stoveman...

it will be the boybarians' first trip, and it's been sooooooo long for the lord of the ring and i so it should be quite the adventure...

i just got done packing the food and i just know i'm forgetting something...i did, however, purchase a new flask for the occasion so regardless of what happens i'm set!

while it is a lot of work, preparing for a backpacking trip is enjoyable...backpacking gear, even if it is fifteen years old, is just so cool...and there have been so many tremendous strides in the technology, i'm looking forward to being able to invest in some new gear...

in the meantime, we're making do and trying to remember how this all goes...and although i haven't been in so long, i've been backpacking all my life so it's pretty much all coming back to me...

(although i just know i'm forgetting something!)

stoveman used to take me and my two sisters out a lot when we were kids...i have no idea how he got all of us packed and ready and out the's a monumental effort to be sure...but i'm so glad he did...backpacking is something i've always enjoyed and i'm glad to now be able to share it with my own kids...

it's not without its challenges, though...i remember one trip as a kid wherein we arrived at the trailhead and all three of us were car sick from riding in the back of the truck on the twisty backroad...

it was nearing late afternoon and there wasn't anywhere to camp at the trailhead so we had no choice but to start hiking even though we were sick...

off course the beginning of the hike started on an incline in the blazing i can still remember looking up and seeing that incline to this day...and i have a notoriously bad memory!...but man oh man my little heart just sank...and i'm sure stoveman wasn't faring much better seeing his parental task at hand!...

so there we were...stoveman with a long stick in the lead and the three of us loaded down with our backpacks hanging onto the stick making our way slowly up the hill puking. all. the. way. up.

needless to say, i'm hoping for a bit less drama on this trip...

so wish us luck and i'll report back on friday!


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