Thursday, December 01, 2005

go fish...

two new posts in two days!!!...where will the madness end!!!

i just want you all to know that when your child asks for a pet, say a dog or a cat or a hamster, be glad about their children, of course are whacked...

note the following conversation at breakfast this morning...

wingman: i wonder when we will get a new fish?

duke: mama, you know what pet i really want?

me: what?

duke: a ferret...i really really want a ferret

wingman: not me!

me: what do you want?

wingman: a macaw, of course

of course...because what child doesn't want a macaw?

a ferret and a THAT'S what my life is missing!!!

good. lord.

and no way in hell am i going down the fish road again...the. worst. 9 cents i've ever spent...

so it's snowing A LOT and the boys are hoping there will be sledding in the back pasture today...could be enough by late afternoon...

in other news, do NOT make a whole batch of cinnamon sugar bread pudding in anticipation of sharing it with your husband IF said husband is a thousand and some change miles away...

trust me, it's an unwise plan at best...

today's $1 menu tao


heron stands in the blue estuary,
solitary, white, unmoving for hours.
a fish! quick avian darting;
the prey captured.

okay i got nothin'...because once again THE TAO KNOWS!!...i don't make this stuff up!!'s there in it's order and it just always seems to fit because all i can see when i read this is the ferret and the macaw positioning themselves for the attack and i'm not quite sure who would come out the victor...a battle between a ferret and a macaw, hard to say but that would be something to see for sure...

which is making getting a fish look a WHOLE lot better...

which, in that round about way that all parenting roads wind eventually exiting at the lesser of two evils makes me look a WHOLE lot like the prey captured...

yup, that sounds about right...


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