Tuesday, January 10, 2006

sorry kid, had we had known we might have toned down the earthiness...

well now, this is just too good!! i've just got to start with the word of the week!

today while listening to the alito business on the radio i heard one of the senators ask the million dollar question that began with the following

"people have organized their intimate relations around the ability to get an abortion should contraception fail blah blah blah"

then he said

"i apologize for the earthy language, but that is the nature of the blah blah blah"



it's such a dignified way to excuse yourself of saying something that may be a bit "much"...

for instance, "pardon me for my earthy language, but you are a fuckin' idiot"...or "you are a piss ant you rat bastard...pardon me for my earthy language, but that is how i feel"

i am going to have to employ this word for awhile...seeing as i am more than capable of using questionable language on a regular basis, this will definitely come in handy...

and unlike other apologies/excuses/etc. it is not only a dignified one, it can be used before or after the fact...a gem of a word indeed...

i'd like to believe should jane austen have been a bit more base in her nature, she would have definitely used earthy in exactly this manner...

moving right along...while perusing an oceanside yoga workout on the t.v. this morning i said the following to the duke

"good lord, i hope she finishes that workout before the tide comes in"

to which he replied in all seriousness and without removing his eyes glue to the t.v.

"i don't...i was hoping to see her get swept away"

now, what bothers me about this is not that he wants to see some poor unfortunate waif who is clearly too damned thin and must be a nut job to do yoga so close to the surf get swallowed up by the sea, but rather that he's perusing these workouts with me in the first place...this along with the each time a little slower than the last walk by the victoria's secret window, well, you get the picture...

i know you've heard this all before...but really, i don't want to think about it...this whole matter of "maturing"...i don't like the idea simply because i don't like the possibilities...sure it's a peek here and there today, eventually it's much much more...i don't like to imagine what's coming down the pike...i don't even like it when he picks out his own shirts (he loves turtlenecks, need i elaborate?) how in the hell am i going to even begin to appreciate his taste in a date?

i know i know, it's a LONG ways to go before the subject of dating comes up, but i have found in matters of the effects of aging and child rearing one can't be too early in the act of worrying...

and i have to say, what worries me most is my own past questionable judgment in what was and was not appropriate in matters of the heart coupled with his father's horrible taste in women...these may be so far ingrained in him there won't be much we can do except to apologize and hope to move forward...

though, for someone who does his fractions work in pen, i should probably begin to entertain the idea that he actually may know what he is doing when the time comes...

yeah, right...


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