Monday, January 09, 2006

did you know the drink holders on treadmills can't hold beer bottles?'s a wonder, really...

it seems after so long away i would have something interesting to say...i don't but i will sally forth and let's see what happens...probably i will mostly repeat myself as a way to tie together a bunch of random and not very interesting information...i got this trick from reading my horrible little twice weekly local paper...

but, i digress...

i do have an update on wingman and his teeth...we saw the big city dentist and the whole experience was very very pleasant...wingman has grown up a lot since his first vist back in august...and it helps that the new dentist's office is not filled with a bunch of yahoos who so clearly represent my demographic it's not one bit funny...

he's got two appointments coming up in the next few months...they won't be putting him under, rather they will do oral sedation instead...he will have cavities repaired and possibly capped in the bottom back, and most likely have to have his front four teeth pulled due to the advance of the decay...

obviously, we are hoping they can be capped and saved, but from what i understand from the dentist, this is a long shot...we aren't telling wingman yet until right before...i don't want him worrying over it longer than he needs to...that's my job...

and while they are not only across the pond but also out of our care provider network (read: this is gonna cost us) i feel very positive with the level of care provided...i'll keep you posted...

the holidays were good and now that they are over we are off and running into the new year...part of this new year new start deal required renting a 14 foot u-haul that we were able to FILL UP with garbage and goodwill read that right...14 feet of's a wonder, really...

in addition to the 14 feet of crap, we contacted junk my car dot com and they came and got our non working blue car and hauled it away...not before the tow truck got stuck in a ditch and had to wait three hours in front of my house to be towed out...i saw him down there, not totally realizing it was him, long before he called to say he would be late and i said

"i know i see you stuck in my ditch"

apparently, this bit of information was lost on him because then when he got pulled out, he spent a 1/2 hour driving up and down my road looking for my house...

it's a wonder, really...

it was kinda sad, watching the old blue car get hauled off...but really, if you think about it, one can't be too careful in the matter of combining rural property and non-working it's 14 feet of crap and one worn out vehicle, tomorrow, it's sanford and son...

crap and cars and cavities notwithstanding, this year has started off in a very positive manner...i feel optimistic about this year...about what it will bring, changes and stability alike...

and now, now i must go a recline in some fashion because i worked out today FOR AN HOUR and i think i may actually be dying...or i might just need a beer...

nice to see you, be good...


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