Tuesday, September 13, 2005

pretty in gap stretch denim...

it seems that it was only yesterday i was watching andrew mccarthy on the big screen, dreaming and wishing a boy like him would ask me to my prom...or to make out in a filthy damp horse stable...really, i'm not choosy...

as it was, yesterday i was taking kids, my kids!!, to the dentist and to get new shoes...and trying to find pants that fit and that i like, all the while fielding questions as to why *i* won't have *another* wedding...


anyhow, posting will be short and spotty this week as we adjust to our school schedule and get into autumn's rhythm...

plus it will give me time to try and understand the impending ramifications of the duke's most recent choice for his birthday party theme...

a portuguese catholic monarchy birthday...



1 comment:

jen said...

"a portuguese catholic monarchy birthday." holy! that is priceless. eherever did he get that idea?