Friday, September 09, 2005

it's friday, it's overcast, and you know you're getting old when...

everything you hear on the radio that's *new* sounds like something you've heard before...


it's obviously not a new phenomenon, but one i've only just become to be concerned's a sign of aging...along with grey hairs and unexplained curves, aging doesn't sneak up on you so much as waits patiently until you are mature enough to notice and, if you're lucky, accept it...

i've accepted the grey hairs, and try to accentuate the curves i like, but this music thing has me worried...because while i enjoy a lot of the new music floating about, i feel kinda like a sell out doing a twenty something who says "oh carlos santana, that guy who plays with rob thomas from matchbox20...yeah that's a cool song"

when carlos santana gets reduced to *cool song* you know there just isn't much hope...

in many circles, okay in most, i am decidedly unfashionable and unhip...but i think it's just a survival mechanism...i figure it comes down to a cancer i simply cannot keep up with what's in at the moment...whether it be fashion, drinks, or music...

i cannot hitch my wagon to a star only to have it fade the moment we take off...reminds me too much of *dating*, not to mention is just too damned hard on a soul that likes to settle in and get comfortable and a heart that clings on for dear life to whatever comes within its orbit...

like stoveman who says he's tired of getting used to sons-in-laws only to have them be replaced, i can't get used to something only to have it go out of favor for something *better*...

that's why i still wear roughly the same kind of clothes i have for years, drink beer from a can whenever possible, and keep stevie nicks handy...

again, stoveman attributes it to that strong streak of trash that he says runs through me, and while i agree with that assessment (he's just jealous) i also think i've found what i like and i'm sticking with it...

don't get me wrong, i like trying new things as much as, well anyone who possesses a vice-grip heart...

but i tell ya' i cannot get behind precious little glasses filled with some kinda sweet colored liquid...because i am more of a gulper than a sipper and because i need a little more to hang onto...i like the feel of an ice cold long neck bottle and the crush of an empty beer can...and while i worked it the very best i could at the time, it took me weeks to recover from the last time i wore heels...

and really, there is just too much repetition in this world...too much comes back around to get all caught up in what's *in* at this moment...and while i envy those who can and want to keep re-hitching their wagons, i simply cannot do it, nor do i want to...

do what you love, the rest comes...

and this weekend, i wish you all the opportunity to do just that...

carpe cerevisi!!!



gojirama said...

Wait a minute, how could you ever say you're uncool? Or old?

x. said...

see now, i KNEW i adored you for a reason ;)...x.