Monday, May 09, 2005

the staff of insanity...

i have stopped buying bread at the store, and have begun baking my own each week...

i like to believe that it's because it is far healthier for us, a much needed meditative process, and a time honored tradition that embodies the very essence of sustenance crafted wholly of love's labors...

but really, given who is doing the baking, i secretly suspect it's because i do love self flagellation so and have recently misplaced my hair shirt...

and just so you know i am not the only member of this family who is nuts, the following came out of the duke's mouth today

"you know, it really makes me angry when the indians use those war elephants against me...the biggest unit i've seen so far!!...and, the worst part is those elephants need very little resources!!"

i'd explain it, but that would take an output of energy i simply do not possess...


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